Mason was born on June 4, 2003. He weighed in at a whopping 9lbs. 5 oz and was 23 inches long! He entered this world looking somewhat like a 6 month old, never did look like a new born baby! It apparently was fairly odd to see a baby that was 23 inches long, because nurses flocked around our room just to get a view of such a large creature! This is the day that my TRUE happiness began. Raising Mason has been the biggest honor of my life.
I look back to the day when we sat in the pediatricians office and they announced to us that Mason had 4 of the 5 red flags for AUTISM. I wanted to scream.... What does that mean? How could this happen to my beautiful boy? Who are you to tell me that there is something wrong with him?
Since that day, our lives have not been "NORMAL". Of course, What is NORMAL anyways? I decided several years ago that I needed to keep some sort of record about Raising Mason! But several years ago, there was not time, nor patience, nor energy to sit down and do it :) I have those things now and want to share my experiences with friends, family and especially Mason. I hope I can remember all of the good the bad and the ugly.
Many friends and family members have been on this journey with us. I'm sure that many will remember things a lot differently than I do.... so...... I am asking for your stories about Mason. Happy or sad, I want them all! I want to be able to look back and see how far we've come.
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