Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess (Me) who waited hand and foot on her charming little prince (Mason).  The prince often played video games, while the princess cooked dinner, did laundry and cleaned the house.  On this particular night, the routine was as always.   The princess placed the prince in a chair, with a DS in hand, so she could retreat to the dungeon to get her laundry.  At the Princess' first attempt out to the dungeon,  the prince decided to place the pizza into the hot oven by himself.  The task was accomplished, but the Princess was mad at the prince and told him of the dangers with an oven.  He shrugged her off...  after all....  Princess' are stupid (YES I was called stupid tonight)!!!!  So, with the threat of death to her young prince, the princess retreated to the dungeon for the second time.   The princess had to run through the rain to the dungeon and dreamingly longed for the totinos pizza that she would be able to endulge in once she had completed her dreaded laundry.  Upon re-entering the castle, the princess suddenly smelled something not of the ordinary...  Not really smokey...   Not really burning...  but definitely something not right.   So, with her wet slippers on she proceeded into the tiled dining area...  the smell became stronger and she worried at what it might be...   In no time at all, she was sliding and slipping ever so gracefully on the tile floor.  This way and that way, over and under...  but don't worry, the princess was strong and caught herself before she damaged any part of her body arts.  WHAT THE HECK?   WHY IS THE FLOOR SO SLICK?  I WAS ONLY GONE FOR TWO MINUTES!!!  As the princess looked towards the innocent looking prince, she knew he had been up to no good.... and then she noticed a can.... a spray type can... and immediately knew where the smell had come from.  Do any of you know what happens when you spray buttery cooking spray all over the dining room tile and the princess steps onto it with wet shoes? 

Well here is what happened....    The young spoiled prince learned how to mop the entire floor on his hands and knees!!!!!

I would like to say that it ended there...  but that would not be fun!!!!!

While the prince was on his hands and knees....  the princess was trying to tame her temper....   she knew that if she were to  spank the clever little lad, that the towns people would look down on her...  So she patiently  (ok, not patiently....   more like forcefully)  prodded the prince to tell her why he had done such a ridiculous trick.

The prince did not answer the question, rather he asked the princess if she was mad.  The princess replied with "Of course I am Mad".....   and the prince came back with "Geez you are grouchy"!!!!

and they DID NOT live happily ever after!!!!!    THE END

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - I'm sorry! Sounds like a fun night for you. But that is just HILARIOUS!
